Stand Up UK!
For Our Freedom
For Our Rights
For Our Future

Thur 06 Mar, 2025
Keep Talking
with Dr Anne McCloskey
Vauxhall Tea House, Vauxhall Walk SE11 5HL
7 for 7:30pm (£5)
Fri 07 Mar, 2025
Raw Milk Conspiracy Music Event
Hope and Anchor Pub, 207 Upper Street, Islington, N1 1RL
Sun 16 Mar, 2025
Football legend Matt Le Tissier & renowned political cartoonist Bob Moran
alongside a powerful art exhibition by Jake Fern
Hope Sussex Community, Netherfield Road Entrance
Netherfield TN33 9QB
2 - 9pm Info & tickets
Sun 16 Mar, 2025
Farmers for Food Security Symposium
10am - 6pm Get Tickets, £15
Shurdington Community Centre, Bishop Road, Cheltenham, GL51 4TB
Latest action
Take a look at the rejected petition
Monty and Nacho of Stand Up X discuss the future of the freedom movement
Sept 05, 2024
Covid 19 Vaccine Fatalities
From official government sources. Studies show official data is vastly under-reported
*To find the current tally of Covid 19 vaccine fatalities in the UK according to the MHRA's Yellow Card reporting system:
Go to the reporting summary page
Select each individual brand report
Navigate to the overview and to the fatal outcomes summary box
Help for Parents to Protect Children from Jabs at School
Pandemic Resources
There is so much conflicting information about the virus that it is difficult to know what to think.
The government policy does not resemble a well-being agenda, but rather a control and profit agenda.
If the lockdowns and social distancing continues, small and medium businesses will go under permanently.
The elderly will continue to live and die in isolation and our children will learn to fear life itself.
Is the virus really so lethal that this New Normal is justified? Is this the worst virus the world has ever seen?
If we keep consenting to masks, surveillance, jabs, and the demolition of human freedoms - will we ever be free people again?
StandUpX Mission
We do not consent to the illegal and disproportionate COVID-19 measures.
We are living in a state of authoritarian control. There is no opposition in government. We do not consent to Government social distancing measures destroying public and private life. We do not accept enforced masks. We do not accept a dictatorship of lockdowns, ruthless demolition of small businesses, invasive medical testing, criminalising peaceful citizens & police brutality.
Forced, coerced and mandated injections violate the Nuremberg Code which states 'the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential' in any human experiment.
The trials were rushed and not capable of determining long term impact or comprehensive demographic analysis. Claims of efficacy are not proven. Additionally, recent analysis concludes that the vaccines carry significant health risks to all members of the public. The risks deserve special attention when it is realised that they include life-changing disabilities and death. This is the largest medical experiment ever conducted on humans, which proposes to alter the human body's natural genetic behaviour. Nobody knows what impact this will have long or short term or how many will be injured or die as a result of this.
The Pharma companies will NOT BE LIABLE for any injury, death or unacceptable impact caused. If this kills and damages huge numbers of people, the corporations walk away with no consequences and a huge profit.
The Vax Pass is a total violation of personal privacy and civil liberties. It promotes segregation and hardship for businesses and individuals. The QR code traffic light system is modelled after the Chinese Social Credit Score system. The QR code in this system is linked to medical information, financial information, daily spending, geo-tracking, bank accounts and social behaviour including social media activity and public protest. It is a system of total control and requires total compliance. Punishments for non-compliance include restricted movement, refused mortgages, refused rentals, education denial and financial punishment. The number of medical interventions required for compliance is endless, starting with double jabs, unlimited boosters and whatever medication the government wants to force on you. The Vax Pass is the end of personal liberty and a free society.
Who We Are
A freedom movement, protesting and standing up for our rights across the UK since May 2020
We welcome all people questioning the mainstream narrative to come meet us, join in discussions, and participate in peaceful rallies.